Dear Siblings in Christ,
With the beginning of April comes the season of Easter! Yes, Easter is a whole season that lasts 50 days, until our celebration of Pentecost on May 19. The season of Easter is a time to celebrate new life all around us: the life of Jesus, risen from the dead; the life sprouting up from the ground in springtime; and the eternal life promised for each of us in baptism.
Just like our gardens need some cleanup and attention in Spring, perhaps this is also a good time to do some cleaning up and attending to our faith and spiritual life, too. Lent is often understood to be a time of getting back to the basics of our faith – worship, study, prayer, generosity, fasting, and community. Meanwhile, Easter is a time to celebrate Christ’s resurrection and the promise of eternal life.
But, our call during the season of Easter is to more than simple celebration. Especially during Easter, our call is to live like we’ve received the promise of new life, to let our lives be transformed by God’s promises for us. So, what does it look like to live into the promise of new life? What does it look like to be transformed?
In truth, our call in Easter is not too different from Lent. If we focused on the basics in Lent, during Easter we begin to see new growth that has come from our Lenten discipline. Easter can be a time when we are inspired to try new things, to participate more fully in the life and ministry of the church, to volunteer in the community, or to give more generously.
The season of Easter is a great time to try something new at church. Have you ever wanted to be a worship assistant, but you haven’t gotten up the courage? Try it out! I promise, no one has kicked me out because I made a mistake in worship, so you’ll be just fine. We’ll be glad to have the help. You can sign up on the bulletin board near the entrance. If you have questions, I’m always glad to walk through the service with you ahead of time and help any way that I can.
Maybe altar guild is more your style. We can always use help setting up and cleaning up communion for worship, as well as preparing for special celebrations, like baptisms. Would you be willing to devote 20-30 minutes of your weekend to helping prepare or clean up communion? There is an altar guild sign up sheet in the sacristy. Not sure you want to sign up, but want to know more? Let me or Rosanne know, or speak to any of the individuals listed in the FYI who serve with the altar guild.
Helping with the church property is also a great way to get involved. On April 13, there will be a cleanup day at church from 9am to noon. This would be an excellent chance to explore God’s beautiful creation, tend to the church property, build relationships, and maybe even converse with God while you work. You can sign up on the board in the narthex.
What about working with youth? Or singing in the choir? What about helping with fellowship? Preparing or cleaning up after funeral meals? Helping in the office? Crocheting baby blankets for baptisms? Or volunteering with any of our social outreach ministries? There are plenty of ways to get involved, even more than I’ve listed here. You can find opportunities in the Chimes, FYI, Narthex, e-newsletter, Facebook page, or even just by stopping in the office. If you’re not sure how you fit in, come and chat. I’m always glad to talk, and would certainly be excited to connect you with the right people to share whatever gifts you may have.
Regardless of what you do this Easter season, I invite you to give thanks to God for the new life springing forth all around us, and for the promised life in the age to come.
Rev. Jessica Hahn