Pastor’s Page

Pastor’s Page – August 2024

Dear St. Paul’s Family,  A few of my nieces are picky eaters. For a period of time, it seemed like all they ever ate were chicken nuggets and fries or tater tots. And of course, lots and LOTS of ketchup! This makes planning a family dinner a little difficult, because...

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Pastor’s Page – July 2024

Dear Siblings in Christ, As we move into the more “official” election season, the divisions in the world around us and between one another will sometimes feel heightened. We will be reminded in the news, in conversations, with lawn signs, and especially on social...

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Pastor’s Page – June 2024

Dear St. Paul’s Family, As a high school student, I was never allowed to attend the ELCA Youth Gathering. According to my parents, it was “too much social time, and not enough community service.” The same was said about my youth group’s backpacking trip that focused...

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Pastor’s Page – May 2024

Dear Members and Friends of St. Paul’s, These have been a busy few months at St. Paul’s! Looking at my calendar from March and April, we’ve had all kinds of celebrations in worship and in the life of the church. These months have included the festival worship services...

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Pastor’s Page – April 2024

Dear Siblings in Christ, With the beginning of April comes the season of Easter! Yes, Easter is a whole season that lasts 50 days, until our celebration of Pentecost on May 19. The season of Easter is a time to celebrate new life all around us: the life of Jesus,...

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Pastor’s Page – March 2023

Friends in Christ, As we enter the season of Lent, our weekly Old Testament readings will focus on the five great covenants – with Noah, with Abraham and Sarah, through the gift of the law to the Israelites, through the promise of life to the Israelites, and a future...

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Pastor’s Page – February 2024

Dear Siblings in Christ, St. Paul’s is a resilient congregation. This is evident in our legacy over the last 156 years. The Holy Spirit has guided our ministry thus far, continues to move today, and will lead us into the future. We have celebrated in joyful times, and...

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Pastor’s Page – January 2024

Dear Siblings in Christ, Merry Christmas! I hope that you and yours had a wonderful Christmas celebration, and maybe the festivities will even last all 12 days of Christmas, until January 6. For many, Christmas truly is “The Most Wonderful Time of Year.” There’s...

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Pastor’s Page – December 2023

Dear Members and Friends of St. Paul’s, December is a busy month at St. Paul’s. Check out the calendar to see all the great things going on! Amidst the preparations and celebrations, we also wait for the birth of our Savior. Our Advent waiting is threefold: we wait...

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Pastor’s Page – November 2023

Dear Siblings in Christ, In the month of November, many Americans take time to give thanks. Here are a few things I’m thankful for this month (arranged alphabetically): Church Council: The Council has been working especially hard these last few months after the...

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