Pastor’s Page – September 2024

Dear Members and Friends of St. Paul’s,

As we enter into the fall season and a new programming year, we, along with much of American culture, return to our normal routines. While it’s “back to school” season for teachers and students, we often also think of it as the end of vacation season, and the time for closing up pools and getting ready to pull boats out of the water. Farmers are gearing up for a busy harvest season, politicians are digging deeper into the campaign season. Along with Labor Day sales, stores are already stocking up for Halloween and Christmas, and all the pumpkin spice lovers are looking forward to its return to the coffee shops. If the summer had been more relaxed, now it’s time to get back to the hustle and flow of ordinary life.

In the United Methodist Church and some other denominations, the third Sunday in September is known as “Back to Church Sunday.” Now, to be fair, I admit that I laughed a little when I first heard of this. Churches don’t go anywhere over the summer. Nowhere in the Bible does it say, “You are to have no other gods nine months out of the year,” or “Remember the sabbath day and keep it holy, September through May.” We worship year-round because God loves us and cares for us year-round. Still, it’s true that worship attendance drops in the summer months. So, returning to church is often part of the fall tradition of getting back to our normal routines.

Often, as we return to our normal routines at this time of year, we say we’re “getting back to the grindstone.” It can be seen as a sad and dull season, especially when compared with the excitement of summer. But the fall doesn’t have to be stressful or depressing. In the fall, there’s also cooler weather, beautiful colors, football season, evenings by the fireplace, and more.

The fall could also be a time to try something new. There are all kinds of things going on here at St. Paul’s this fall. You are invited to grow in faith with us by participating in some of our Christian Education opportunities. For our youth, there’s Sunday school, confirmation, and youth group. Adults are invited to join me for Bible study on Monday evenings or Thursday mornings. In both studies, we’ll be reading straight through the Gospel of Luke, asking questions and discussing the passages along the way.

It’s also a great time to get involved with social ministry. This summer we had great support for the summer food drive and for the school supply collection, as well as for the water donated during VBC. This fall, we’ll be preparing for Thanksgiving food baskets, college student care packages and more. If there’s ever a new project you’d like to lead for the church to support, come see me, and we’ll see what we can do!

This fall, our music ministries will also be back to rehearsals in order to enhance our worship. Handbells, Tutti Voce Choir, and the children’s Grace Notes Ensemble are great ways to get involved. If you play an instrument and would like to get involved with the Same Spirit Band that plays at the 9am service, you can speak to Ed Robertson or Krissy Soltesz about trying it out. We are also always glad to welcome solo or small group songs in worship as well. Speak to Ed, and he can help arrange a time that the music would be fitting for worship.

As the season changes, our property also needs our attention. Maybe this is a time to come out and help with various projects and needs around the church campus. Or, if getting your hands dirty isn’t your style, maybe it’s time to add your input and leadership to one of our church committees. I’m currently working on assembling a stewardship committee, but your help would be welcome with any of our groups. Reach out to me or the church office to find out more.

As we return to two worship services on Sunday, it’s also an especially good time to try a worship assistant role! When we had only one service on Sundays over the summer, we were able to get people to serve as ushers, acolyte, lector, greeter, clicker, communion assistant, and altar guild. When we add a second service back in, we need all the support we can get! If there’s a role you are unsure about, or would like to know more, I’m glad to work with you to train you. Otherwise, observing others is some of the best training available. I promise, that if you try something new, no one is going to laugh at you or run you out of the church. St. Paul’s is a great place to learn and grow. To sign up, check out the list on the bulletin board

 in the narthex, or ask me or Rosanne for help.

There are always other things to get involved in around the church too! Keep your eyes and ears open for opportunities. If there’s something you’re looking for, or if you’re not sure how to best use your skills and abilities, come visit me, and we can see how to best include you in the St. Paul’s community.

The fall doesn’t have to be when all the fun ends. There’s plenty of fun here at St. Paul’s this fall. Come and get involved!


Rev. Jessica Hahn