Pastor’s Page – October 2024

Friends in Christ,

It’s hard to believe it’s October already! Soon, the leaves will be changing color, the days will get shorter, and the nights will become cooler. We’re beginning to think about Thanksgiving and Christmas, and we’re entering into the season of thankfulness and giving.

As we ponder what we’re thankful for, I want you to know that I am thankful that St. Paul’s is a living vibrant congregation that is continually seeking ways to celebrate God’s love through service. We serve God, one another, and our neighbors through the ministries of this church. I was thrilled this summer to welcome 30 children to Vacation Bible Camp each day. Over the last several years, we’ve questioned our reputation in the larger community, but I believe that the success of Vacation Bible Camp this year is a testament to the fact that things are improving, and we are slowly putting some of our past troubles behind us.

Visitors regularly come to worship at St. Paul’s, and we have welcomed several new members to our congregation in the past few years. In September, the Council approved seven more new members, and I just need to schedule a time to welcome them officially in worship.

We continue to support various projects and causes in our community through food and school supply drives, coat drives, the Needle and Thread quilting ministry, and more. In fact, Needle and Thread has also welcomed several new participants this year!

It can be really easy to only see the negative things that happen in our church, community and world. Yes, St. Paul’s is still struggling with legal issues, and giving has dropped slightly since last year. But, there are many, many, more positive things happening at St. Paul’s than there are negative things. The Holy Spirit is alive and well in our community, and I continually see God at work among us.

As we celebrate the Holy Spirit’s presence with us and the positive atmosphere at St. Paul’s, I encourage you to think about what it is that you appreciate about this community. How has St. Paul’s impacted your life? How has St. Paul’s allowed you to make an impact on the lives of others? How have you witnessed God at work in and through St. Paul’s? Our answers, as many and varied as they are, begin with God moving and working in this place.

God is at work among us, and that is certainly something to be thankful for. So, as we enter the season of thankfulness and giving, I encourage you to also consider your generosity to the church and the larger community. How have we given of our time, talents, and possessions this year? Have we been as generous with our resources as we would like to be? Could we stretch ourselves to be more generous?

When we think about generosity and giving, studies have shown that people are far more likely to give their time and resources to an organization that is alive, active, and meaningful. This is exactly who we are at St. Paul’s!

So, this October, the Council has requested that we hold a giving campaign to celebrate and support the ministries of the church. Similar to last year’s giving campaign, the Share the Love Fall Giving Campaign will benefit the general budget of the church, and seeks to raise funds above and beyond the congregation’s regular monthly giving.

Monthly giving in 2024 has averaged $28,000 at St. Paul’s. Meanwhile, last year’s giving campaign raised $21,000. So, I am challenging the St. Paul’s community to give total Parish offerings of $45,000 during the month of October. This reflects a giving campaign goal of $17,000 above our average monthly giving. This is an achievable goal, and will go a long way in sustaining the ministries of the church.

I ask you to prayerfully consider what you may be able to contribute to St. Paul’s during the giving campaign, and to pray for the church’s ministries throughout the month. Together, amazing things happen in this place. Let’s share the love!


Rev. Jessica Hahn