Pastor’s Page – December 2024

Dear Members and Friends of St. Paul’s,

As I mentioned last month, I have been working on all the plans for my parental leave. I have been working diligently with the Council, Synod, Supply Pastors, and various leaders in the congregation to ensure that all needs are covered during my time away. Below are portions of the document that I shared with them.

I am thankful for your continued prayers, support, flexibility and grace over these next few months.


Rev. Jessica Hahn

Expectations and Plans for Parental Leave (excerpts)


In accordance with Synod guidelines, the Council has approved 12 weeks of parental leave beginning at the time our daughter is born. The estimated delivery date is January 18, 2025, but I will keep Rosanne and Andy informed as the time approaches.

Supply Pastors:

The Rev. Peggy Marks will serve as Supply Pastor for Saturday evening services and for Ash Wednesday.

The Rev. Christine Regan will serve as supply pastor for Sunday morning services and for Pastoral Care. In the event of a pastoral emergency or if a pastoral visit is needed, she may be reached at 609-636-6062.

The New Jersey Synod has generously offered to provide $3,000 to the church in financial support to help cover the cost of supply pastors.



-I will be unavailable for administration, pastoral care, funerals, worship, and other needs during my leave.

-Email will not be monitored.

-Text messages will not be answered with the exception of Rosanne and Andy.

-If I visit the church for worship, youth group, etc., it will be in a parental role, not a pastoral role.

-Weekly services will be held at 5:00pm on Saturdays and 10:00am on Sundays from 12/29/24 through 4/13/25 (Palm Sunday).

-The Sunday service will alternate between contemporary and traditional music each week, beginning with contemporary music on 12/29/24.

-The Palm Sunday service will be a blended service with both contemporary and traditional music.

-Ash Wednesday worship will be held at 12:00 noon and 7:00 pm.

-In the event that it is too short notice to get our scheduled supply pastors to cover the very first weekend of my leave, I will have a few versions of Lessons and Carols services available related to the various seasons (Advent/Christmas/Epiphany). These will be services without communion. I will work with Rosanne and Ed to ensure that slides and music are ready. Pulling from our pool of lectors as well as others who have offered to help, lay leaders will be asked to lead the services on that weekend. Rosanne will notify altar guild as necessary.

-In the event of inclement weather that may impact worship services this winter, Andy and Rich should discuss the situation and be in contact with Rosanne to notify the congregation and our Supply Pastors.


-The Council has detailed information about my plans for January-April. I will be available to approve agendas, participate in email votes, and as necessary for legal proceedings or decisions.

-I plan to attend the Annual Meeting in person and will serve in a pastoral role during the meeting.

-I expect committees to meet and function as usual with lay leadership.

Christian Education and Bible Studies:

-Monday and Thursday Bible studies will continue as scheduled with lay leadership.

-Sunday School will be held at 9 am each week.

-Confirmation classes will continue as scheduled with Bev Grazioli as the primary teacher and Trish Colbridge serving as assistant.

Thank you to everyone who will be taking on additional leadership and communication roles during my leave! I appreciate everyone’s care, concern and willingness to help!