Dear Members and Friends of St. Paul’s,
As I write this, I am anxiously anticipating the birth of our daughter, though I have given her strict orders to stay put until after Christmas! As a church, we have spent the month of December preparing for the birth of our Savior, but I have also spent quite a bit of time preparing to welcome a new little one into our family.
While my patience with the process has worn thin, I may have been a bit more self-centered than usual. However, I want you to know that I care deeply for St. Paul’s and for all of you, and I am so very thankful for the ways in which you have offered me support and prayers over these months.
The next few months will be a little different while I am away on parental leave for 12 weeks. Still, the Holy Spirit is at work at St. Paul’s, and you will be in good hands while I am away. Rosanne, Ed, and Ken continue to be hard at work managing the office, music, and giving. Pastor Peggy and Pastor Chris are prepared to step in and lead worship. Andy Opperman continues his faithful leadership as the Council President. The Council and Mutual Ministry Committee are deeply concerned for St. Paul’s as well, and have the congregation’s best interests at heart. All our ministry leaders continue their hard work in their various roles. And countless volunteers are ready to step in as needed to offer their support as the need arises. I am thankful for all of you.
But, there are also a few questions.
When will you begin your leave?
My leave begins when the baby is born and will continue for 12 weeks from that point. So, the start date of my leave is still unknown. My doctors have said that I will not go past my due date. So, with a due date of January 18, I currently anticipate that I will return to church just in time for Holy Week.
What will happen while you’re gone?
That depends on what you’re asking. The very first weekend of my leave could be a bit unpredictable, depending on when I go into the hospital and how much notice the church has. I have emergency worship plans arranged for the first few weeks of January just in case it’s too short notice to get our supply pastors to cover the first weekend. Rosanne, Ed, and Louise Hikade have these plans, and will do what is necessary to notify people, adapt worship, and gather volunteers.
During my leave, we have supply pastors arranged for the full 12 weeks and Ash Wednesday. Rev. Chris Regan will also be available to provide pastoral care and visitation as needed. Please reach out to her on her cell phone (609-636-6062) if you or a loved one is ill, hospitalized, or would appreciate a visit. You can also reach Rosanne in the office during regular office hours.
Some people have expressed concerns that with my absence and with unfamiliar supply pastors, the church may struggle. In the grand scheme of things, 12 weeks is not a very long time. Remember that before I came to St. Paul’s, this congregation survived a five-year transition period that also included a pandemic and a lawsuit. St. Paul’s is a strong congregation, and I have full confidence that guided by the Holy Spirit, the life and ministries of the church will carry on through my leave.
Will we see you at all during your leave?
First, I will be at the Annual Meeting at the end of February, and alongside Andy, I will be prepared to lead the congregation through that important work.
Otherwise, I may stop in from time to time to say hello and visit. Also, since this is Ella’s church too, and she is involved in various ministries, I will be helping her stay involved and seeking to provide some normalcy in her life and routine. However, if I am at church during my leave (other than at the Annual Meeting), I will be serving in the role of a parent and congregation member. I encourage you to still respect the supply pastors and seek Pastor Chris out for pastoral care needs. My ability to answer church-related questions will be more limited when I am not here six days a week, so reach out to the church staff and leadership as needed.
I am excited to share the baby with you and to have you meet her. However, especially in the first few months as she is still building an immune system, and as we enter into the depths of cold and flu season, I would be most comfortable if you greet her from a distance. So, please don’t be too offended if I’m not immediately willing to have everyone touch and hold her. With everything we’ve done to bring her into this world, with God’s help, we want to be sure to give her the healthiest start we can.
What can we do while you’re gone?
While I am on leave, I hope that you continue to participate in the life of St. Paul’s as you always have. I encourage you to be willing to step up and volunteer as needed, whether that’s in worship, Bible studies, youth events, outreach ministries, luncheons, or anything else that may come up. Be patient and helpful with our supply pastors and all our volunteers. Show up. Support and care for one another as a community. Serve one another. Pray for one another. Continue giving generously of your time, talents, and possessions both at St. Paul’s and outside our walls. Trust in the Holy Spirit to guide this church, and listen for God calling in your life.
You probably won’t hear from me in the next few issues of the Chimes. But please know that I continue to pray for each of you, wish the best for you, and look forward to catching up when I return from leave.
Thank you again for all your prayers and support!
Rev. Jessica Hahn