The Rev. Jessica Hahn
PASTOR JESSICA HAHN joined the staff in January 2022. Pastor Hahn graduated from the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia (now United Lutheran Seminary) in 2012. Before her call to St. Paul’s, she served a church in Michigan for nearly 9 years. Pastor Hahn is available for meetings and visits with members of the church and community to talk about faith and life. If you are in need of prayer, if you would like to become more involved in St. Paul’s, or would like to know more about the ELCA, feel free to reach out.
- Call Pastor Hahn: (609) 267-0740 x 21
- Email Pastor Hahn

Ken Hibbert
Business Manager
KEN HIBBERT is a long-time member of St. Paul’s who has served on Council, as Treasurer, and on the Finance Committee. He is available to assist with any financial questions you may have. He handles all of our billing and financial contributions and advises our Finance Committee on fiscal matters.
- Call Ken Hibbert: (609) 267-0740 x 27
- Email Ken Hibbert

Rosanne Scassero
Office Manager
ROSANNE SCASSERO joined the staff in July 2016. If you have any questions concerning any of the following, feel free to contact her: activities at St. Paul’s, using a room at St. Paul’s for a meeting or event, the possibility of scheduling a baptism, information about new member classes, or any general question you have regarding St. Paul’s. Office hours are generally 8:30 AM until 4:30 PM Monday through Friday. Sign up here to receive news weekly by email.
- Call Rosanne Scassero: 609.267.0740 Ext 23
- Email Rosanne Scassero

Edmund Robertson
Director of Music
Edmund Robertson serves as the director or music, choir director and organist at St Paul’s. Ed is currently in his 35th year as a music educator, high school choral director, church organist and music director. He completed his undergraduate studies at Temple University and Rowan University, with graduate coursework over the years at University of the Arts and Westminster Choir College. In his 19th year at Jackson Memorial High School in Jackson, NJ, he serves as director of vocal music, also teaching music theory, music appreciation and piano classes. He also served as choir director and musical theater director at Maple Shade High School and the Moorestown Friends School. He previously served the congregation of St. Andrews Episcopal church in Mount Holly, NJ, and Holy Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church in Burlington Township, NJ. Ed encourages anyone and everyone to use their talents in the service of the Lord! Join our music ministry!