by Rosanne Scassero | Jun 3, 2022 | Pastor's Page
Dear Church, God calls us to be disciples, but what does that mean? Often times we think about prayer, generosity, worship and service as the primary acts of discipleship. However, during the summer, these discipleship practices often get left on the back-burner as we...
by Rosanne Scassero | May 3, 2022 | Pastor's Page
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, During the seasons of Lent and Easter this year, I’ve been reflecting on Communion. Over the last two years, some congregations have gone without the sacrament in times when they could not worship in person, others have explored...
by Rosanne Scassero | Apr 1, 2022 | Pastor's Page
Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Holy Week is my favorite week of the church year. The stories, the emotions, the meals, the symbols, and the music all come together for an incredibly meaningful and moving week of worship. Gathered together in community for this most...
by Rosanne Scassero | Mar 4, 2022 | Pastor's Page
Dear Members and Friends of St. Paul’s, As we enter the season of Lent, it is a time for the church to get back to the basics of our faith, immersing ourselves in prayer, study, worship and the sacraments. In worship, we’ll hear many well-known stories, such as the...
by Rosanne Scassero | Feb 3, 2022 | Pastor's Page
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, Wow! It’s been a whole month together already! I’m glad to serve as your pastor and share in ministry with you. First, a bit more about me: Where are you living? We’re currently staying with my in-laws in Haddon Township. While...