Our annual Youth Flower Sale is back! Get flowers, plans and even veggies for your garden. The proceeds go toward the Youth Group's attendance at the 2027 ELCA Youth Gathering. Find your order form here. Questions? Contact Laurie Maccri.
News & Updates
Easter Flowers
It's time to order your spring flowers for Easter! We will again be offering beautiful daffodils, tulips, hyacinths and while lilies. Orders are due by April 6. Find the order form here! Questions? Contact the office.
Inclement Weather Policy
As it's the snow and ice time of year, we just wanted to remind everyone of our inclement weather policy. In the event the church is closed for inclement weather, we will follow these procedures: • A message will be recorded on the church’s voicemail • An announcement...
Pastor’s Page – January 2025
Dear Members and Friends of St. Paul’s, As I write this, I am anxiously anticipating the birth of our daughter, though I have given her strict orders to stay put until after Christmas! As a church, we have spent the month of December preparing for the birth of our...
Worship Schedule Change
Beginning on Sunday, December 29, we will be having only one Sunday service at 10:00 AM. This change will remain in effect through Palm Sunday (April 13) to cover the time that Pastor Hahn is on Parental Leave. We will alternate between traditional and contemporary...
Winter Outwear Collection
This year we are combining our winter outerwear collections! The Christmas tree will remain in the narthex through January 19 to receive donations of new or gently used mittens, gloves, hats, scarves and children’s socks to donate to those in the area who can use...
Red Cross Blood Drive
Our next Red Cross blood drive will be held on Friday, December 13 from 9:00 AM—2:00 PM. Presenting donors for $15 e-gift card as our gift to you. See details. The need for blood is critical! Sign up here! Give the gift of life, give blood!
ELCA Youth Gathering
Our Youth participated in the ELCA Youth Gathering in July 2024. Click here to watch a video created by Ella S., our youth on the trip.
Summer Hours
Sunday, June 30 through Sunday, September 1 worship services will be held Saturdays at 5:00 PM and Sundays at 10:00 AM. The Church Office will close at 12:00 PM on Fridays from June 28 through August 30.