Pastor’s Page – December 2023

Pastor’s Page – December 2023

Dear Members and Friends of St. Paul’s, December is a busy month at St. Paul’s. Check out the calendar to see all the great things going on! Amidst the preparations and celebrations, we also wait for the birth of our Savior. Our Advent waiting is threefold: we wait...
Pastor’s Page – December 2023

Pastor’s Page – November 2023

Dear Siblings in Christ, In the month of November, many Americans take time to give thanks. Here are a few things I’m thankful for this month (arranged alphabetically): Church Council: The Council has been working especially hard these last few months after the...
Pastor’s Page – December 2023

Pastor’s Page – October 2023

Dear Members and Friends of St. Paul’s, In October, we celebrate Reformation Day. Part of our celebration commemorates the events within history that led to the creation of the Lutheran Church. However, Reformation is more than just a celebration of history. When we...